
Successful recruiting with video in times of skills shortages

Charité breaks new ground in the digitalisation of the employee journey

The Charité is one of the largest university hospitals in Europe and one of the largest employers in the city of Berlin. As a company rich in tradition with a history of more than 300 years, it offers a wide range of training and further education opportunities for the most diverse professional groups. However, despite its good reputation, even the prestigious institution is feeling the serious shortage of skilled workers in the nursing professions, but also in other occupational groups. This is why the Charitè has started to use digital means to give applicants authentic insights into everyday working life and thus convey a sense of closeness. movingimage accompanied the Charitè on its way to setting up an impressive recruiting event, where video was THE driving force to convince the applicants.

The Challenge

Finding suitable nursing staff in times of shortage of skilled workers

The Charité is a multi-award-winning institution with a high international reputation as a training centre and clinic. However, a good reputation alone is not enough to attract suitable nursing staff these days. Competition at national and international level is becoming ever greater. Differentiation from the competition is all the more necessary. Therefore, the Charité decided to go new ways in HR digitalisation. This concerned not only employer branding and thus the external perception of the employer brand, but also active recruiting. The central building complex of the clinic, also called the “bed tower”, illustrates the perception of the Charité: unapproachable and impersonal. This impression had to be broken. The challenge was therefore also to bring applicants closer to the working world on site and to provide authentic insights into the everyday life of future colleagues.

The Solution

Virtual career events and 360-degree video tours for more proximity and transparency

At the heart of the Charitè’s new employer branding strategy was the digitalisation of several key communication channels. Among other things, a new recruiting channel in the form of a digital “open day” was created with the help of movingimage’s experienced video production team and the Virtual Events and movingimage Webcast platforms.

With Virtual Events, virtual and hybrid events can be implemented as if they were held on site. The intuitive platform includes classic livestream integration as well as the creation of virtual rooms and integration of all relevant information as well as video on demand. Thanks to many interactive engagement features, virtual networking is also guaranteed.

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The integrated Webcast, on the other hand, enables a smooth transmission of the stream to up to 10,000 people in the highest quality.

Charitè has taken full advantage of the platforms’ possibilities for its virtual recruiting event. A second project is about cross-border traceability in order to give foreign professionals a deep insight into the company. By means of 360-degree videos embedded in a specially created web environment, an immersive world was created that even led into the operating theatre rooms and conveyed previously unknown perspectives. For the interested parties, it felt as if they were directly on site themselves, as they could click from room to room to explore different areas and departments. The digital tour was enhanced by interviews with various Charitè employees who described their personal impressions of the work and thus created a whole new perception. This authentic look behind the scenes of the “Bettenhochhaus” had a sympathetic and approachable effect on the audience.

The Result

Contemporary employer brand with close communication through digital recruiting

The pilot project on Virtual Events was very well received. The recruiting event, which was created in only 3 weeks, has shown that new ways are well received by staff members as well as candidates. Virtual rooms allow space for easier meetings and lively exchanges, which is why great potential is seen here – also with regard to international nursing staff. In addition, the virtual insight into the processes on site indicates what future employees can expect. This makes it easier for them to make an informed decision and improves matching in the recruiting process.

The use of movingimage’s Virtual Events platform is future-oriented and sustainable, because the innovative, digital recruiting formats enable a clear differentiation from the competition. Virtual career events make it possible to communicate at eye level and to carry the brand in one’s own look & feel. This contributes to the consistent and contemporary communication of the employer brand, which has become indispensable, especially among the younger target group.

It also makes it easier to overcome regional, hygienic or pandemic restrictions and promotes flexibility in terms of location and time in applicant communication.

With an innovative video solution such as Virtual Events, it is also easy to repeat the event at any time. Thanks to the integration of the movingimage webcast, the event can also be scaled up considerably.

Future Plans

Regular career events and communication with applicants at eye level

In the future, further career events are to take place in order to build on the positive response to the pilot project and to gather further empirical values. In future, applications will not only be accepted directly on site, but also via the virtual event. This should reduce the time-to-hire and increase the overall number of applicants.

Key business outcomes and benefits

  • Increase in the number of hits on the new career website of the Charité by 1,170% within the last 12 months.
  • Increase in hits by 26% after launch of the virtual 360° tour in mid-February 2023
  • Implementation of an innovative recruiting event with movingimage Virtual Events
  • Virtual look behind the scenes for a transparent presentation of the future workplace
  • Easiest national and international accessibility of applicants
  • Higher number of applicants and shorter hiring cycles
  • Accessibility and strengthening of the employer brand
  • Unmistakability thanks to individual adaptation of the platform to your own look & feel
  • Simple repeatability of career events

Featured solutions and services

  • Virtual Events – Our event platform for virtual and hybrid events. Enables virtual networking and includes many interactive engagement features.
  • movingimage Webcast – Our streaming solution for live video in best quality – secure and reliable. Ideal for internal as well as external communication.
  • Creation & Live-Production – Our video production team realises image and employer branding films, training videos, viral spots as well as live productions including livestreamings for companies.

About Charité

The Charité is the hospital with the longest tradition in Berlin and, with around 20,000 employees, one of the largest university hospitals in Europe. With the start of teaching at Berlin University in 1810, it became an important teaching and research institution from which more than half of Germany’s Nobel Prize winners in medicine or physiology come. With numerous special research areas funded by the German Research Foundation, the Charité is one of the most research-intensive medical institutions in Germany. The clinic enjoys a high reputation worldwide.