More than just video hosting! With a single product, you can host, edit, stream, and transcode videos within your organization. Optimize your workflows and increase efficiency. Everything you need for professional video management in one place.
Take advantage of the diverse editing options in VideoManager Pro. Quickly edit by splitting and combining existing videos, all included. Effortlessly create impressive content in no time. With the intuitive tools of VideoManager Pro, every edit is quick and easy.
No more boring still images! With our thumbnail feature, you can choose the perfect frame or upload your own image.
Enhance video experiences! By dividing your video into chapters, viewers can quickly access and understand relevant content. This is especially popular in corporate learning.
Share your videos effortlessly via link, embeddable player, or in your other applications and systems. With the embedding feature, you can easily distribute your videos. Reach your audience with just a few clicks. Ensure that your content is delivered wherever it is needed.
Cater to everyone’s needs with a variety of automatically generated, downloadable video formats. Experience limitless flexibility to meet every need.
Our reliable HTML5 player is device-independent and compatible with all operating systems and mobile devices. It offers fast loading times, high resolution, and Flash fallback. Additionally, it can be customized to match your branding and supports accessibility.
With SSL encryption, IP range filtering, geo-blocking, as well as SSO and token authentication, a range of security features protect your videos and your employees' data from unauthorized access.
Enjoy global, high-performance video delivery through Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and Enterprise Content Delivery Networks (eCDN) for enhanced quality, speed, and security.
You have complete authority over who views which content, how, and where. Role-based access controls (RBAC) for individual users, along with optimized transcoding and copy protection, ensure full control over your video content.
Customize the appearance of your video player to match your brand's design, create a professional environment for your videos, and provide a consistent brand experience for your users.
1080p or 4K? .mov, .wmv, or .flv? x264 or x265? VideoManager Pro handles them all. Host videos in any resolution and format. It’s not about megabytes, but minutes that count, ensuring your viewers always experience the highest quality.
The user-friendly analytics tool measures the success of your video campaigns and presents results at a glance. Identify trends, track performance data, and analyze access by geographic regions and devices.
With automatic generation, you can quickly and easily add subtitles to each of your videos. This expands your reach, engages new audiences, and boosts your engagement rates.
Discover the current AI-powered features in VideoManager Pro: Automatic transcriptions for all videos, subtitles, translations, and smart metadata like keywords and topics. Find what you need faster, save time, and get more value from your videos. With better searchability, improved accessibility, and less manual work, your content becomes more efficient and creative!